Start Walking Wieringen by Night

The event “Walking Wieringen By Night” will take place on March 23, 2024. The walk is 18 kilometers. During the walk, be surprised by the beautiful, varied landscape of Wieringen, which will also be beautifully illuminated.

The start and finish are at the scouting building in Oosterland on the Keizerspoeldijk. We leave in groups every 10 minutes. Departure takes place between 7:00 PM and 8:10 PM. Keep to your starting time, you can start later but not earlier!

From the A7: Take the Den Oever/Den Helder exit. At Den Oever go straight ahead over the roundabout. At the next roundabout take the first exit (direction Oosterland). Follow the Akkerweg until you can go no further. Then turn left into Gemeenelandsweg and immediately right again into Keizerspoeldijk. You will see the scouting building on your right just before the bend.

Alternative: Drive 3 quarters around the Den Oever roundabout. Drive straight ahead (do not follow the road to the right) over the Gesterweg / Martekrogt. Drive all the way until you can go no further. Turn left onto Molgerdijk. Take the first road on the right, Keizerspoeldijk. The entrance to the scouting building

N99 from Den Helder: Go straight ahead over the two roundabouts at Hippolytushoef, then take the first exit on the left (Kleitelweg), drive a short distance through the hamlet of Smerp, until the intersection. Turn right. Drive straight on along the Gemeenelandsweg until you arrive in Oosterland. There you take the third road on the left, the Keizerspoeldijk. You will see the scouting building on your right just before the bend.

Alternative: Go straight across the two roundabouts at Hippolytushoef. Take the third exit at the next roundabout (Oosterland). Follow the Akkerweg until you can go no further. Then turn left into Gemeenelandsweg and immediately right again into Keizerspoeldijk. You will see the scouting building on your right just before the bend

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