Sentinel house Quarantaine

The gauge house in Westerland is one of the two gauge houses on Wieringen. The other is located in the fishing port of Den Oever. Both gauge houses date from 1919, when they were built on behalf of Rijkswaterstaat. The gauge houses were used to record the water level.

The water level was monitored from this house for dike monitoring purposes. The movement of the water was measured here once or several times a day. After the war, the computer took over the measuring work and most of the houses have fallen into disuse.

Due to the closure of the Zuiderzee, the northern area of ​​Wieringen started to silt up. The ebb and flow currents that kept the affected area at depth changed as the closure progressed. The currents were, as it were, forced to choose a different direction. At a certain point, the silting up took on such forms that the water level on the Quarantaineweg could no longer be measured. The equipment was removed from the house in 1939. The house served for many years as a shelter for people who stood watch on the dikes during a heavy storm.

The sounding scale house at the harbor of Den Oever took over the task of the silted measuring scale on the Quarantaineweg for many years, until finally even before the war it fell into disuse, when the equipment was removed is not known.

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