Viscentre 't Wad

The best fish in Den Oever

At the beginning of the Afsluitdijk in Den Oever you will find Viscentre 't Wad. A fish restaurant where you can eat the tastiest fish. From our restaurant you overlook the lively harbor with fishing boats. And if you're lucky, you'll see a seal behind the dike on the Oeverse Schor.

Surprising fish restaurant

Where the best quality fish is served, there must also be a restaurant that radiates the same quality. 't Wad can therefore safely be called a surprising fish restaurant. Open, robust and sturdy, it fits into the environment of fishermen and the ports and does justice to the fresh fish and delicious fish dishes that are served here.

For fishermen to representatives

Viscentre 't Wad is open daily to everyone. From the fishermen from the harbor in work clothes to representatives in smart suits, everyone is welcome here and everyone comes back again and again. Not only from Den Oever and Wieringermeer, but from all over the country, guests come to 't Wad to eat fish. After all, quality is for everyone, and our fish meets this every time.

Fresh fish, also to take away

With former fishermen at the helm of this seafood restaurant, the quality is guaranteed every day. Every day the fish is purchased at the fish auction and processed into honest fresh fish dishes to eat at 't Wad itself or to take home.

Viscentre 't Wad, open daily

Viscentre 't Wad in Den Oever is open daily from 11 am. Whoever goes out for a day in Den Oever, to the Wadden Sea or drives towards the Afsluitdijk is more than welcome to come and eat a nice fish with us.

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